Below you will find the legal information of website:
-This website respects the current legal regulation as the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 General Data Protection, Organic Law 3/2018 5 December, protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights and the 34/2002 Law, 11 July. Information services and electronic commerce. The data treatment provided by the user is carried out in accordance with the aforementioned legal regulations.
-Hermanas Clarisas de Villarubia de los Ojos (Ciudad Real), from now on Clarisas Villarubia, own
-Clarisas Villarubia have as a social denomination Clarisas Cto Nuestra Señora de la Soledad; their tax information number is R-1300026-J, address: Soledad Street, 58. 13670 Villarubia de los Ojos (Ciudad Real).
-You can contact them in the address mentioned above, at this email address: or at 926896208.
-Clarisas Villarubia are registered in the health registration: Register number (NRS) 20.42916/CR.
-This website purpose is to offer content, products and services of the Hermanas Clarisas de Villarubia de los Ojos (Ciudad Real).
-The access to the present website, as the register and the order placement, constitutes the acceptance of all terms and conditions of this website. The minimum age of the user must be 18 years old if you wish to register or buy on this website.
-The content of this website belongs to Clarisas Villarubia or to others that have authorized their use. No copying, reproduction, transmission, distribution or modification of the site or its contents is authorised without prior express or written permission by Clarisas Villarubia.
-Generally accepted information security techniques such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms are used on this secure website to prevent unauthorized access to data. You agree to the collection and processing of your data for secure authentication on the website.
-All data provided by the user on this website are transmitted via HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), which is a secure communication protocol, in order to prevent any third party from improperly accessing such data.
-Clarisas Villarrubia is responsible for the security of transactions on this website, for which: the aforementioned generally accepted information security techniques are used; the data provided by the user on this website are transmitted via HTTPS; the processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with current legislation; and the Redsys payment gateway has been integrated, which is a secure environment for making payments by credit card.
-We protect your data with SSL, which stands for “Secure Socket Layer”. SSL is a security protocol that makes your data travel securely and integrally, so that the transmission of data between a server and a web user, and in return, is encrypted in its entirety.
-The user of the website undertakes to make proper use of it and, by way of example, but no limited to, not to use it to engage in illicit, illegal or contrary to good will and public order, or to cause any damage.
-This website may include hyperlinks (links) to other sites outside Clarisas Villarrubia does not guarantee, and is not responsible for the legality, reliability, usefulness, accuracy and timelines of the content of such websites or their privacy practices.
-Clarisas Villarrubia reserves the right to modify this website, as well as the conditions of sale, privacy policy and cookies policy, always in compliance with current regulations.
-Clarisas Villarrubia is not responsible for damages of any kind that may be inferred by this website, despite having taken all necessary measures to prevent it. The causes of such damages, including, but not limited to, may be errors or omissions in the content, lack of availability of the website, or the presence and transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the content.