-Clarisas Villarrubia, with corporate name Clarisas Cto Nuestra Señora De La Soledad, CIF R-1300026-J, and address in Calle Soledad, nº58, 13670 Villarrubia de los Ojos (Ciudad Real), are responsible of the suitable treatment of the user’s personal data, in compliance with the regulations.
-Clarisas Villarrubia can be contacted in the address above-mentioned; the email address obradorsantaclara@gmail.com; or telephone number 926892208.
-The user is informed that, on this website, the necessary data is collected for the purpose of providing information, products and services. This data is used properly, and not sold to any third party, but may be shared to fulfill the purposes indicated: for example, if you place an order, data must be provided to the shipping company to carry out shipment.
-In accordance with the applicable regulations on the subject of data protection, the user can exercise, on the data provided, the rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, portability and limitation of treatment. To do this, the user must request it in a reliable manner, clearly expressing their will and, where appropriate, enclosing a copy of the ID card and / or any other documentation proving identity, by writing to the email or to the postal address above.